Family Asks Woman To Return Engagement Ring After Her Fiancé Passes Away In Order For Sister To Have It

Engagement rings play a significant role in American wedding traditions. A prospective groom will frequently invest a lot of time and money in search of the ideal engagement ring for his future spouse. A family heirloom may occasionally be used as an engagement ring. Engagement rings, however, are not as popular in other nations, and in other cultures, they are not even used.

In June 2021, a lady stated on Reddit that engagement rings are uncommon in her home country. She informed her American boyfriend that she wanted one after becoming smitten with the concept. So he went and had one made just for his future wife out of gold.

The woman's fiance tragically became ill and perished away. She admitted that she is still having trouble adjusting to the news of his passing as she has been grieving him and the loss of their future together. This is why the woman's amazement when her fiance's family contacted her and asserted ownership over her engagement diamond was so great. The fiance's sister should be able to pass it down to her future offspring, according to the family.

The bride was deeply saddened by this and informed her family that she would be retaining the ring. The bride's parents and friends were contacted by the family in an effort to persuade her to return the ring since this infuriated them. The bride shared her experience on Reddit in order to get feedback from the community on whether or not she was in the right.

In her Reddit post, the bride explained what the engagement ring meant to her. The bride stated, "I always had that same ideal in my head because I always watched men proposing to women with wedding rings on American movies, internet videos, TV shows, and other media."

He had a wedding ring made especially for me by a goldsmith because he was aware of my dream and because his family doesn't have any heirlooms or family jewels. I'm a very discreet person, so he knew I don't like fancy, flashy jewelry, so he had a ring made for me that was exactly what I'd like.

In regards to the circumstance, the woman is not attempting to be irrational. "Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't hesitate to return it if it were a family heirloom or jewel. But it's not. I'll be keeping it because he gave it to me on our fifth wedding anniversary and he had it made especially for me, she wrote.

On who should receive the ring, there is disagreement in the bride's neighborhood. "Some say the ring is rightfully mine, some say it was a symbol of a contract that fell through due to sad circumstances, and that I should give it back, that I'm keeping one of their son's property, and that I should give it to his sister to pass along to her future children," she continued in her post.

Reddit users generally agreed with the bride. First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss, one commenter wrote. The ring is now yours, second. It does not in any way belong to the family of your late fiancé. The fact that he sadly passed away doesn't change the fact that he made it for you. You are the legitimate owner.
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