After 8 Years In A Cage, Rescued Circus Lions Touch Grass For The First Time

We originally believed that the circus was one of the happiest places on earth when we were children. Sadly, we were mistaken. Animals frequently entertain us with sophisticated acts on their stage, and occasionally this has blinded us to the reality. These creatures frequently live their whole lives in cramped cages and are made to perform stunts for spectators.

This organization was adamant about getting the government to outlaw animal circuses.

Animal Defenders Incorporated is a global advocacy organization that defends animals from mistreatment of any form. They want to save these unfortunate creatures from an unwholesome environment.

This group has assisted in several animal rescues and provided resources with other organizations that support animals. Stop Circus Suffering was the name of one of their international campaigns, which encouraged the government to outlaw animal-using circuses.

Prepare to feel sorrow for these two lions that were rescued from a Guatemalan circus.

To release nine tigers and two lions, ADI traveled to a circus in Guatemala. The president and vice-president of ADI, Jan and Tim, were there on the field to observe the animals firsthand. They were heartbroken to see the animals in their terrible plight right away, especially Tarzan and Tanya, the two circus lions.

They looked at Tarzan, and saw that his bottom lip hung. They learned from someone at the circus that Tarzan battled a tiger and that Tanya, a courageous lioness, stood up for him.

Tanya is relatively little, but Jan told The Dodo that she gave it her all during the fight.

Tanya and Tarzan spent the majority of their life imprisoned in a tiny cage. ADI was motivated to relieve these creatures of their misery because they had already endured a great deal of it.

Before relocating them to a larger home, ADI assists their rescue animals in regaining their health.

With ADI's objective in mind, the animals are rescued from circuses and treated before being released in a much larger habitat. They tried letting the enormous cats wander on the lawn the day following the rescue.

Tarzan was cautious from the minute he stepped onto the grass because it was his first time. They didn't take long to begin adjusting to their new surroundings. Tanya has always been there to defend Tarzan, so he also has no fears.

Before Tarzan's lower jaw became infected, ADI corrected Tarzan's jaw issues. After the procedure, they returned the lion to his temporary residence.

In the weeks that followed their arrival at the clinic, Tanya and Tarzan felt more at ease. They were curious about everything they encountered while playing like kittens. ADI believed they were prepared for their new house after a few weeks of preparation.

A location where the animals might live out the remainder of their lives in peace, at last.

It was time to relocate them to ADI's refuge in South Africa. They had to stop four times on the way there, so it was undoubtedly a lengthy voyage. Tim, Jan, and the rest of the crew tried their best to keep the animals quiet throughout the lengthy journey.

When they arrived at their location, they introduced the animals to their new residence gradually.

With Tanya on Tarzan's side, there was no need for ADI to be concerned, so they made sure to keep them together inside the same cage.

Tarzan and Tanya now have a fantastic house to call home because to ADI. Watch the video below to find out more about these lions!
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