As people, we have a tendency to take many things for granted, especially
our senses. Undoubtedly, one of the things that we frequently take for
granted on a daily basis is our capacity to see. One individual from
Colorado has a distinct perspective because of his diverse
Stargardt's disease is a rare inherited eye condition that was discovered
in Gene Purdie when he was 16 years old. Although it usually begins in
childhood, this illness can also be found in adulthood. Purdie had the
illness from birth, but it wasn't until the young man was in his teens that
physicians were able to diagnose him.
Purdie's ailment caused him to lose a sizable percentage of eyesight, and
he is now regarded as legally blind. Certain areas of the field of vision
are affected by the condition. This has caused Purdie to progressively lose
the ability to view the center of his vision, just the periphery.
Even though Purdie's vision isn't perfect, the severity of his disease
hasn't stopped him from leading a regular life. Lincoln, his son, was born
after he wed Joy, his wife.
In a letter to the "Rachael Ray" presenter in November 2015, Joy requested
assistance in showcasing her husband's expanding family. Ray and eSight had
been working together to provide cutting-edge technology to individuals in
need. Joy had seen an episode where a woman with Stargardt's illness was
assisted by the program to see her sisters smile for the first time in
Purdie has only been able to distinguish the contours of objects since
being diagnosed with Stargardt's disease. He has never been able to
appreciate the pleasure of gazing into the lovely face of his wife or the
endearing emotions that his little kid makes.
Purdie knows he is losing out in many ways, especially his son growing up
without being able to see him, but he is grateful for all the good things he
does have in his life and makes the most of it by participating in a variety
of interests and activities.
But once Purdie accepted an invitation to the "Rachel Ray" program and had
the chance to test out a pair of cutting-edge spectacles that the
technology's creators were only beginning to experiment with, things started
to change. Purdie was able to see the world clearly for the first time as an
adult, but his first glance was directed at his wife and children.
Joy was carrying their young son, Lincoln, as she watched the performance
from the sidelines. Purdie remarked, "Oh, she's lovely," upon seeing Joy.
What a wonderful experience it was to finally be able to visit his wife! Joy
sobbed as she realized that her spouse could now see her face. Despite the
fact that they had been together for a while, it was the first time she had
ever been able to recognize her husband's physical presence.
The only reason that technology has been able to bring a loving couple and
their child together in this touching moment is because it has reunited