Workers Made A Ground Breaking Discovery Of As They Dug Out An Untouched Egyptian Tomb(15 photos)

Archaeologists were ecstatic to discover historic artifacts buried beneath the sand when the Egyptian government dispatched them to excavate a previously undiscovered region of the desert. The unprecedented find has the potential to alter all we know about ancient Egypt and will no doubt leave academics perplexed. Boy, did they strike gold.

In the Deserts, Hidden

Archaeologists and Egyptologists have been searching for and finding thousands of ancient artifacts and mysteries hidden in Egypt's deserts since the early 1800s. We haven't yet discovered many buried treasures, though.

They Had Good Luck

Researchers occasionally stumble upon priceless historical treasures just beneath the surface, but they aren't always that fortunate. The task of the archaeologist is a delicate scavenger hunt because of the attention to detail and cunning of the ancient people who erected these tombs.

Restoring Damage

In recent years, Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities has made an effort to oversee new expeditions around the nation, purportedly in order to find new discoveries but also in order to aid in repairing the harm that has been done over time by tomb raiders and thieves.

Unexpected Meeting

Many locations, including the Great Pyramids, have remained entirely unsecured since the Egyptian revolution in 2011. Grave robbers take advantage of this by plundering the region and stealing items, some of which are connected to the criminal underground and others of which are just taken.

thieves of tomb

Children were employed to enter the tomb shafts since they were too narrow for adults to fit through, which led to harm and occasionally fatalities. As if the death toll wasn't horrible enough, the thieves also irreparably destroyed several tombs.

Huge Findings

The necropolis of Saqqara, a historic site from long ago, was one of the recently unearthed locations. In 2018, the Ministry of Antiquities made ground-breaking discoveries of unique, well-preserved antiquities. The "most magnificent tomb unearthed this year," according to one find, is the Coffin of Saqqara.

What distinguishes this website from others? Many significant ancient artifacts were lost or stolen, but a gold-plated silver mask was found concealed within a coffin made of wood. Excavators were ready for the other riches hidden in Saqqara's depths as there aren't many treasures of this sort.

An Old Mask Was Discovered

The mask's discovery thrilled the archaeologists. Since it was the first quest in the region since 1900, it was likely an indication that other important objects were nearby.

The Hint

Soon after the mummy was found, investigators found further antiquity items. Seven graves were concealed behind a stone ridge, one of which contained rare scarab beetles and mummified cats.

Moribund Animals

Animals were fossilized as part of religious gifts, while human remains were mummified to preserve them for the afterlife. The scientists were thrilled to discover the gateway to an undisturbed tomb thought to hold human remains after gathering the well preserved critters.

4,400 Years in Slumber

The elaborately sculpted grave of a high priest named Wahtye was concealed and unaltered for 4,400 years. He was given a high-ranking position in the priesthood during the Fifth Dynasty by King Neferirkare Kakai.

The sculptures

The 33-foot-long, 9-foot-wide, and 10-foot-tall tomb included a wealth of information on the guy interred within its walls. Wahyte's life was portrayed in intricate sculptures, paintings, and hieroglyphics. The high priest was actually somewhat of a "mummy's boy"

His Adoration of His Mother

Archaeologists struggled to locate a place in the tomb where Wahyte wasn't paying tribute to his adored mother, Merit Meen, who was also interred there with him. The walls were covered with monuments, paintings, and drawings by his mother.


Wahyte's wife, Weret Ptah, is mentioned in inscriptions but was not given much attention. After been painted on the limestone walls for millennia, the intricate images could now be seen by new visitors.

Site of Saqqara

There was a wealth of knowledge about daily life in ancient Egypt at the Saqqara site. With depictions of musical performances, pottery, winemaking, seafaring, and furniture manufacturing, ancient Egypt seems to be a contemporary youthful, educated city dweller's modern civilization.

The Final Tomb

They discovered more about Wahtye when they explored the tomb's inside. The crew found out intriguing information about Wahtye's life, family, and status in the fifth dynasty, but they were also searching for the ultimate prize: Wahtye's secret final resting place.

They Had Good Luck

On December 13, 2018, the excavating crew had a stroke of good fortune. Five shafts were made visible when the last piece of surface debris was removed. So they began the difficult and drawn-out process of getting inside...

What lies within the tomb?

They were shocked to see the first shaft open. Which made sense considering that when they opened it, it was absolutely empty. On the other side, the four more shafts may contain insights that contemporary society had not yet experienced.

Having a last look inside

The Supreme Council of Antiquities' general, Mostafa Waziri, remarked, "I can assume that all of the artefacts might be located in this location." He said that the remaining shafts held the largest solutions. "This tunnel ought to go to the owner of the tomb's sarcophagus or coffin."

Showing Off More Chambers

As the excavation moved further in the upcoming months, officials expected to find more in the intact rooms. The archaeologists manually excavated, sifting through sand and pebbles in search of further prehistoric items.

What Else Was Discovered?

In Alexandria, Egypt, not far from Wahtye's, construction workers struck something that went beyond bedrock during a regular dig. They understood that this was a significant moment.

A Hot Spot, that

Artifacts found in King Tut's tomb's pyramids in Egypt can be magnificent finds. Particularly the old city of Alexandria was a bustle of activity.

Where To Trade

The city was a lively harbor full with ships, traders, and merchants during its heyday in antiquity. Alexander the Great established the city, which functioned as a bridge between Greece and the Nile Valley of Egypt.

The Change Was Significant

Clearly, Alexandria is not what it was in the past. It is today a heavily inhabited city with a vast number of establishments and homes.

It Was rather large.

The huge tomb was unearthed 16 feet below the surface by construction workers as they were preparing the foundation for a new structure. According to archaeologists, the tomb was constructed between 305 and 30 B.C. during the Ptolemaic era.

They were shocked.

A large, calm-looking black coffin was located in the tomb's corner. When compared to other ones discovered around Egypt, this one was particularly huge, which had experts wondering what may be within.

An Alabaster Head was present.

A gigantic head made of alabaster was placed next to the enormous black tomb. The head's characteristics had gotten worse over time, but no one could determine if it was supposed to be a model for a significant person, so they decided to look into it.

They attempted to pry it.

A group of about a dozen men attempted to remove the tomb lid, but it was quite heavy! They would need to bring in some large equipment. The team also got in touch with a subject-matter authority...

They Accompanied The Expert

He worked for Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities for many years and went by the name of Ayman Ashmawy. He was used to examining historical items. The only person who could explain what was happening was him!

Strange Items

Indicating that the lid and body had been properly sealed for more than 2,000 years, he observed a layer of mortar between them. In addition, black granite, a scarce stone at the time, was used in its construction. This prompted a significant query...

Something That'll Draw Burglars

Was the person buried inside a high-ranking official or a famous person? The tomb was quickly surrounded by a fence. Now that word of the find was getting out, it was probably going to become a target for would-be thieves and vandals.

The Malice

The objective was to finally take the lid off, but some people had their doubts. According to several traditions, the Pharaoh's curse was released when particular tombs were uncovered. Was there an ominous sign there?

The Countless Options

Because of its size and distinctive black granite construction, most people imagined someone very significant was interred there. Is there a chance that Alexander the Great was directly involved? Eventually, they'd find it out...

Opening The Tomb Safely

The workmen secured the lid with the use of large cranes and heavy rope. If it dropped in the midst of a lift, it might not only destroy everything was within but also seriously hurt anyone who were nearby. They gently opened the casket using the crane's force.

Yucky Smell welcomed them

The employees hastened to leave the unpleasant smells that were quickly evaporating from the now-open tomb. After a few minutes, the most of the fragrance had vanished, leaving the employees to stare at the inside remnants.

Waste and skeletons

Three malformed skeletons were submerged in a viscous crimson liquid. The crimson liquid was found to be hazardous waste that had poured into the tomb and had over time matured into an unpleasant-smelling slime. The bones were recognized as being soldiers.

Making A Drink Out Of It

The crimson ooze was turned into a palatable, fizzy energy drink by Innes McKendrick. He thought that if people drank the liquid, they would acquire "powers." Fortunately, despite signatures, the corpse juice won't be ingested.

Long Five Years

There are no indicators that the Egyptian discoveries will stop. Researchers found a 2,000-year-old network of tombs beneath the city of Cairo! Nevertheless, it may take up to five years to fully excavate this enormous discovery.

The Soldiers' Tomb

Egypt is still being uncovered, and quickly. According to archaeologists, a network of tombs dating back 2,000 years has been found under Cairo! The excavation of this enormous discovery, however, might take up to five years!

California Desert Excavation

Egypt is still being uncovered, and quickly. According to archaeologists, a network of tombs dating back 2,000 years has been found under Cairo! The excavation of this enormous discovery, however, might take up to five years!

There Was Strangeness

A curving nose, delicate ears, and the ridges of a majestic crown welcomed the explorers as they wiped aside sand and debris. The characteristics originated from something a little more exotic: the head of a sphinx, not from a centuries-old American monument.

The California Sphinx is it.

Naturally, there were a ton of questions for the archaeologists, the most important of which was: How? What did Santa Barbara have to do with an Egyptian sphinx head? Fortunately, it didn't take the archaeologists long to see that something wasn't quite right with the sphinx head.

Maybe it's a fake one.

For the purpose of creating an actual sphinx head from ancient Egypt, bedrock was employed. Although large, the one found in California was constructed of a much lighter substance that left powder on the researchers' hands.

What Source Did It Have?

At this time, they concluded the sphinx head was not native to Egypt's deserts. It had not been smuggled or transported to Santa Barbara by thieves or aliens. The 300-pound head, on the other hand, appeared out of nowhere.

It's A Set Up

Initially, it was believed that the sphinx head came from Charlton Heston's performance in Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 movie The Ten Commandments. The head, however, had to come from an even earlier movie, which it did because of the breakthrough visual effects in the movie.

Regarding Special Effects

The Ten Commandments was not DeMille's first adaptation; it came in 1956. He made an attempt to turn the biblical tale into one of the earliest "epic" movies in 1923. In contrast to the 1956 film version, he won't be able to rely on computer-generated effects.

Nipomo-Guadalupe Dunes

DeMille's 1923 adaption was filmed at the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes in Santa Barbara because he believed they resembled the Egyptian desert. Moses' whole universe was constructed by hand by the set designers, and it was enormous.

Huge props were utilized.

Over 1,600 individuals are said to have worked on the construction of 21 sphinxes, eight lions, an Egyptian temple, four 35-foot Pharaoh sculptures, and 110-foot gates.

It Was An Odd Sphinx.

At the time, the set was one of the biggest and most costly ever constructed. With 25,000 nails and 250 tons of plaster, it was built to be 12 storeys high and 800 feet wide. The decoration on the sphinx heads was the most peculiar feature of them.

100 years later

Because a large portion of the movie was shot in black and white, it was essential to employ Technicolor to make the sphinxes shine out when the lighting and shadows were applied. When they were discovered nearly a century after they had been caught on film, they seemed to be a little different in person than they looked on film.

Filming of Significant Scenes With Technicolor

The "very strong" colors used to paint the sphinx heads astounded archaeologists. With the exception of one of the most important moments, which was captured in B&W, the remainder of the film was shot in Technicolor.

Jell-O usage

Both versions require the Red Sea to be divided, but the '23 movie had to come up with novel ways to do this. The "parted sea" look was photographed as it was created when generating waves in a Jell-O slab.

Then what?

Cecil B. DeMille was pleasantly delighted that the filming could be finished in three months despite implementing his audacious ideas. He was now confronted with the decision of what to do with the set.

One of the earliest "iconic" movies produced in Hollywood, Reality DeMille used to have a love/hate relationship with his own picture. He had largely directed the expansion of a metropolis that would have been impossibly expensive to leave and immeasurably valuable to do so. And to make matters worse, he was fully aware of the reality of the situation.

A choice was made.

Hollywood producers reused sets and props to cut costs on the filming process. DeMille, ever the artist, was not going to let another director truly profit from his labor, though. Consequently, he made a foolish choice.

Prophet: DeMille DeMille wrote in his book, "I hope they will not hurry into print with the astonishing news that Egyptian civilization...extended all the way to the Pacific Coast," if archaeologists happen to dig beneath the dunes of Guadalupe in a thousand years.

The Set Was Buried

DeMille believed that nobody else would utilize his lavish set if he couldn't. He insisted that the entire building be torn down and that everything that might be repaired be buried beneath.

Maintaining High Standards

For Cecil B. DeMille, there was no such thing as excessive, according to author Scott Eyman. DeMille's ability to reprimand anyone—from extras to the lead actor—who fell short of his expectations was praised, as was his strong, authoritative directing style.

The History of Hollywood

DeMille's meticulous techniques caused his artificial metropolis to be buried. Over the years, archaeologists have discovered comparably little fragments of "artifacts" from The Ten Commandments movie, but the largest discovery was the almost-complete sphinx head they discovered in the sand.

It Will Take Work To Save It.

According to Doug Jenzen of the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center, "Given that these artifacts have endured for 94 years, even though they were only designed to survive for two months during filming, it truly testifies to the craftsmanship." Nevertheless, it will be quite challenging to retrieve these relics.

Maintaining The Prop

When it was reached, the first sphinx head disintegrated into powder since it was constructed of plaster of paris. When they recovered the skull from the sand the second time, the archaeologists had to use a foam spray to fortify the interior of the head so they could remove it without harming it.

Treasures Buried Deep in the Earth

The skull may not even have originated in the vast Egyptian deserts, but it is still a piece of Hollywood history. The movie sets from that era of Hollywood's development are just nonexistent now, according to Jenzen. Now they do...along with a fragment of one, hidden beneath the sand dunes.

A golden age

Hollywood's business strategy has always relied on violating the law to make money. Thomas Edison, who resided on the East Coast and held the patents for nearly all of the filmmaking equipment available at the time, was paid royalties, thus early film companies established themselves in Los Angeles to avoid doing so.

Increase In Studios

In a similar vein, studios struggled to establish themselves throughout the silent cinema period, but eight companies emerged as the leaders after the 1920s. The majority of the town was under the management of MGM, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, RKO, and Paramount, with United Artists, Universal, and Columbia sharing their area.

What Has Been Done

The European wars brought in a lot of money for Hollywood. In the quest for amusement during World War I, the American cinemascape advanced because other countries were distracted with war. Americans splurged at the movies because they yearned for levity and distraction.

They Want Charm

Studios demand a big number of stars in order to satisfy client expectations. Searching for fresh talent, shark-like talent scouts explored the neighborhood's theaters, eateries, and even the streets. Most famous people were targeted for their sex appeal, such Lana Turner, who was called "Sweater Girl" due to her form-fitting clothes.

The Care of the Celebrities

The studios would take care of the rest if new concepts passed the screen test and looked fantastic on film. Actors were under intense pressure to attend charm schools, adhere to rigid fitness and health regimes, and even undergo cosmetic surgery.

Being Classified

Back then, a performer could get away with taking on a range of characters. All actors were typecast and cast as protagonists, side roles, or extras. Once the studio identified an iconic character type for you, that role became your primary focus indefinitely. You were given the roles that your contract required.

Zero privacy

Additionally, after the day was through, celebrities had not completed their task. Studios paid close attention to their personal lives in order to maintain their marketability. Nobody was permitted to be gay, and issues like substance misuse and pregnancy were forbidden.


Celebrities' contractual studios may be compelled to lend them out to other production firms as a form of discipline if they are discovered to be infringing the regulations too frequently. Until you realize that actors weren't paid for movies they filmed outside of their home studio, it doesn't seem like a horrible concept.

Banned Films

Then the infamous "Hays Code" fable emerged, adding to an already deceptive business. Studios put in place their own self-censorship system after the government threatened to pull movies containing content it found unacceptable.

The Laws This rule, named after MPPDA President Will H. Hays, forbade on-screen sexism, feminism, nudity, multiracial partnerships, non-hetero characters, and even pregnancy. By the movie's conclusion, bad guys had to pay a price, and characters who were husband and wife had to share a bed.

It's not real.

Additionally, the "happy ending" has evolved into the accepted manner to wrap up a movie. The European customs of the silent cinema period, in which people dressed and behaved whatever they chose, confronted genuine risks, and contemplated life's gloomy realities, were long gone.


American movie characters were not allowed to be pregnant, and the performers who played those characters were also not allowed to be pregnant. Beyond the Hays Code problem, studios pushed pregnant women to abort their pregnancies because they thought it would make the star less marketable.
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