Elementary School Community Celebrates 77-Year-Old Custodian With First Ever Birthday Party

At Belle Elementary School in West Virginia, Frances Buzzard, 77, is seen by her kids as more than simply a janitor. Buzzard goes above and beyond what is required of her to carry out her responsibilities and foster a friendly learning atmosphere at the school. More significantly, she polishes the furniture till it gleams like a mirror, setting a great example of a strong work ethic for the kids.

It was clear that Ms. Buzzard was an essential component of Belle Elementary as staff and kids observed her carry out her responsibilities without complaining for years. The community was then given the ideal chance to express their gratitude to this powerful woman.

Buzzard's coworkers discovered via playground rumors that their cherished Ms. Buzzard had never celebrated a birthday. They thus made the decision to quickly alter that.

Unaware of it, "Ms. Frances," as the children and staff nicknamed her, heard her name being shouted over the speakers. She assumed that since there was an assembly going on right now, they required her to clean up anything.

"Surprise!" was exclaimed by almost 200 kids as she entered the room.

Then a voice came across the speakers, saying, "" Miss Francis, because you won't be here next week, we're celebrating your birthday today.

As Ms. Francis took a seat, she was surrounded by her devoted students. Everyone enthusiastically applauded. The birthday lady was decked out in a festive sash and tiara as the kitchen staff carried out a cart filled with delicious delicacies, topped, of course, with large "77" candles.

View the complete video at the conclusion of this post.

Amanda Mays, the principal of Belle Elementary who assisted in coordinating the event, said that Miss Francis had never had a birthday celebration. She will turn 77 on January 30, therefore it was imperative that she take advantage of the chance.

It was time to start the covert celebration. "We simply scheduled a generic "assembly" for (that) week." The only thing left to do was watch for the unaware Ms. Francis to enter the room. She has no idea, Mays retorted. She won't understand why we're meeting in the cafeteria, but we will.

After she came, a slideshow of the birthday girl's life was displayed. Frances has been photo-shopped to appear in many historical settings like Forest Gump. The funny pictures show Frances having a blast at Woodstock and even hanging out with Neil Armstrong on the moon.

a somber voice Several kids presented her homemade cards while Ms. Francis observed.

She said with joy, "I've never had anything like this." Frances grew up in poverty, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. Her family also didn't observe her birthday or Christmas. When they had the money, they would give the kids fruit and almonds, but that was all. She said, "I've never had somebody do this for me before. Nobody will ever forget the act of generosity and camaraderie.

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