A surprise yet endearing find was found by Indiana Department of
Transportation litter crews as they were clearing a highway in
Members were cleaning up rubbish when they came across a little dog sitting
alone on the side of the road.
Before transporting the nice dog to safety, they took a few photographs
with him.
In a post on Facebook, the Indiana Department of Transportation stated one
of the crew members had taken the puppy home and would have him checked for
a microchip as soon as possible.
It is now uncertain if the puppy was born a stray or belonged to someone
and was discarded. He would not have lasted much longer by the side of the
road without food or water, so it is a blessing that he is now safe and out
of harm's way.
If the puppy is unmicrochipped and its owner cannot be located, he or she
will either be put up for adoption or adopted by a member of the crew.