Couple spends catering deposit from canceled wedding to feed 200 people in need on Thanksgiving

Almost all of us have had to make modifications, revisions, and cancel plans because to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

But while the vast majority are content to wait it out, lament their bad luck, and wait for everything to blow over, one Illinois couple has made the decision to help those who are in need.

Emily Bugg, 33, and Billy Lewis, 34, were supposed to get married this year in a lavish ceremony, but the coronavirus forced the cancellation of their special day.

They then made the wonderful decision to contribute their catering deposit to support the provision of Thanksgiving dinners for those in need.

According to reports, the couple used their $5,000 nonrefundable deposit to buy 200 Thanksgiving dinners for Threshold's clients. Threshold is a nonprofit mental health organization that assists people with serious mental illnesses and substance abuse issues.

As an outreach worker for Thresholds, Bugg told Good Morning America that postponing a significant wedding wasn't the worst thing that could happen.

"We're happy to be married, and we're so happy that, as a result of the wedding cancellation, we could help Thresholds' clients feel the connection of a Thanksgiving meal."

Instead of holding a big event, Bugg and Lewis were married on October 1 at Chicago's City Hall, making it possible to make the aforementioned donation.

Stories like this brighten our hearts and remind us of what the spirit of sharing can truly do at a time when the chaos of 2020 has many people feeling down in the dumps.
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