Giant Panda On Loan To French Zoo From China Births ‘Lively, Pink And Plump’ Twin Cubs(video)

A video of a big panda with her gorgeous pups is impossible to resist watching, and this one is no different. Currently on loan from China to France, the giant panda known as Huan Huan just gave birth to two adorable twin babies. Yuan Zi, a different giant panda on the same ten-year loan as Huan Huan, is the father. At the Beauval Zoo, which is close to Paris, twin pandas were born on August 2, 2021.

Due of the unpredictable and challenging nature of their pregnancies, pandas typically have a tough difficulty reproducing. Fortunately, a number of countries in Europe, including Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands, also have sizable panda populations. With the arrival of these pair of twins, the effort to save the species is still making good progress. The panda population in China is well-known, as is its generosity in lending these adorable animals to other countries for a while.

Although the newborn pandas don't yet have names, they have won the hearts of many people around the world as well as those at the zoo in France. These young pandas are pink and chubby, full of life and health, and do not yet have their typical black and white fur. The globe may watch in awe as these twins are regularly cared for and shown a great deal of love and affection by the zoo workers while being attended to day and night.

According to the Associated Press (AP), Huan Huan gave birth to her children on August 2, 2021, little after one in the morning. The infants, who weighed 5.3 and 4.6 ounces, respectively, seem to be in excellent health. According to the AP, the twins "are quite energetic, pink, and chubby," according to the Beauval Zoo. According to the AP, "Huan Huan is taking care of them very well."

The mother panda was seen giving birth to her adorable kids in a video from the AFP News Agency. The newborns were extremely pink and shouting with excitement. Rodolphe Delord, director of the Beauval Zoo, stated, "We have been waiting for this moment for a very long time, and witnessing these two youngsters being born and in great condition is simply crazy. "It is another step toward the species' conservation."

According to AP, the panda parents are currently on a 10-year loan from China to France with the intention of demonstrating the strong ties between the two nations. The first panda cub was born in 2017, making the twins the second and third cubs to be born in France. While pandas can be found in large numbers throughout many European countries, they are also widespread in China. According to the AP, there are approximately 500 pandas kept in captivity worldwide and 1,800 pandas living in the wild in China.

Since China has been giving these companionable animals to foreign countries for many years, the practice has come to be known as "panda diplomacy." According to AFP News Agency, the twin pandas' names will be chosen by President Xi Jinping of China's wife. They will reportedly spend a few years in France before being sent to China, according to AP.
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