In Her 70s Goldie Hawn Dances With Daughter Kate Hudson, Stealing The Show While Hosting 'Ellen'(video)

Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, who are mother and daughter together, revealed personal information on Kate's third pregnancy while they were presenting "The Ellen Degeneres Show." The audience adored the couple's banter and their fleeting glance at the newborn in Ellen's arms.

On January 17, 2019, Goldie and Kate's admirers were treated to a unique experience as they co-hosted "The Ellen Degeneres Show" in front of a live audience. Attendees were crammed into the seats and took in the entire performance.

The mother-daughter duo's co-hosting role allowed them to let their fans in on a few intimate moments from their personal lives. They made the show feel more energetic.

Highlights of the show featured the couple sultrying through the opening speech and disclosing information on Kate's third pregnancy and delivery. The entire concert was a mash-up of unexpected turns and hilarious moments. Since Goldie and Kate appeared to be having a great time, the entire program was enjoyable to watch.

A chat between Kate and her mother about the then-recent birth of her third child, Rani Rose, was featured in the episode. Goldie was able to attend Kate's birth with her. She said that prior to presuming she would be present for the special arrival, she had obtained permission.

According to Goldie, "I asked, 'Would it be okay?'" Do you think I should be in the room?" Kate assured me it would be alright. It seems that Goldie did not request consent for Kate's first pregnancy.

Kate claims that she had a walking epidural in the end and that the birth proceeded quickly once the pushing began. Hudson did make note of her mother's desire to see the birth of the child up close and personal. The doctor joked, "Goldie, if you get a little closer, you might fall in!" since it was so extreme.

When Kate described it, the crowd laughed. Goldie made the decision to illustrate what transpired visually, of course with as much comedy as possible. Hawn squatted down a little and explained the doctor's work. "He was sort of like this, leaning down, doing the thing..."

forward an attempt to see over the doctor's shoulder, Goldie leaned forward. When Goldie saw the baby's head, she said, "Oh! The head is there!" The doctor then warned that if Goldie got any closer, she may fall in.

Kate started the opening on her own at the commencement of the performance. Her hair was golden and trimmed short with tight curls, and she wore a black kaftan with a multicolored bohemian motif. She wore exquisite necklaces and hanging earrings to go with her ensemble. The addition of patent boots gave the overall ensemble a more contemporary feel.

"Hello, welcome to The Ellen Show!" said Kate. My name is Kate Hudson, and my mother and I are the program hosts. What a tardy! She is never on time!" Just as Kate was finishing her initial sentence, Goldie entered the stage. Both received hearty ovation from the audience.

Hawn had her hair in its usual short, wavy style, and was dressed in a white jumpsuit and big silver earrings. The audience was still screaming with applause as she skipped up to Kate, and they ended up bouncing with excitement.

Each praised the other's appearance. Goldie joked, "I apologize for being late! Did we begin?" It was charming, although a little too blatant.

Kate resumed her monologue now that they were both on stage. "They told me to be myself and..." "You know, that was actually what I was worried about most, about you being yourself," Goldie said, capping the idea.

Goldie and Kate joined in on the audience's raucous laughing.

In September of 2018, they had been on "The Ellen Degeneres Show" before. The evening had turned into a hilarious chaos, and neither of them was sure if they would ever be asked back. Naturally, Ellen offered the two a chance to host the show again and an invitation to return.

It was a really memorable moment for the two of them. A secret was conveyed by Goldie. She desired to meet Stephen "tWitch" Boss, the regular DJ of the program.

At that point, Goldie and Kate broke into a dance as they made their way through the crowd. Everyone in attendance at the time shared the excitement and pure delight.

Kate assured them that they would both behave well once the performance got underway. She said she had given birth to her daughter not too long ago. Behind them, a large image of Rani, the infant, materialized on the screen.

On April 6, 2018, Kate had announced her pregnancy to the world. She used Instagram to announce Rani's arrival.

It happened on October 2, 2018. Then Kate wanted to know if she could follow up to find out how Rani was doing. The image of Ellen sitting at Hudson's house with baby Rani suddenly appeared on the screen. Ellen said to the two, "Hey, Goldie, Kate. Do not fret. You concentrate on the entertainment; I'll take care of the rest." She pledged to look after Rani. When the camera returned to Goldie and Kate, they were giggling.
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