High School Girl Asks Classmate To Homecoming After He's Rejected — Shortly Thereafter Kindness Comes Full Circle(video)

Daniel Rivas planned to go to homecoming. He really wanted it. What's the matter? No one wanted to go on a date with him.

Too often, the nicest things are forgotten. When you're busy with your own problems, it's easy to forget about other people's. One person who isn't affected by this bad trend is Kylie Fronius.

There was a time in 2016 when Kylie Fronius was in the 10th grade in the Las Vegas area. She did everything she could to make sure Daniel Rivas had the best homecoming ever. Daniel has Down syndrome, but Kylie made it clear that she doesn't see him as disabled; she just sees him as someone who learns in a different way. Kylie chose to make sure Daniel could enjoy homecoming, which is something every high school student hopes to do.

Kylie Fronius made a big sign to ask Daniel Rivas to go to the dance. When Fox5 News Las Vegas heard about it, they decided to feature Daniel and Kylie's story on their "Surprise Squad" show. There was a dress, a tux, flowers, a nice meal before the dance, a van ride, and even a red carpet for the two high school students. While Kylie, Fox5 News Las Vegas, and the community were making Daniel's wish come true, Daniel's mom also went on the show to thank them. This act of kindness set off a chain reaction that will go down in history, and the details are what make it so interesting to read.

As with many people who have Down syndrome, Daniel Rivas has had to deal with a lot of prejudice because of it.

But Kylie Fronius, who was in 10th grade at the time, said she doesn't think Daniel is crippled, which is why she asked him to the homecoming dance. Kylie said that having Down syndrome is not a disability; it just means that you learn in a different way. As a surprise, Fox5 News Las Vegas showed up with a mobile news crew on that special day and asked Kylie how she sees Daniel:

"When I think of kids with disabilities... They don't seem different to me. I see them as just another person learning in a different way... She said, "I hope I can make his night fun."

Daniel Rivas is one of many people who have Down syndrome. One of the most common genetic diseases in the world is Down syndrome. A study from 2010 by the Department of Pediatrics in the Netherlands found that about 1 in 1,000 babies born each year around the world have a form of Down syndrome. In the United States, the National Drown Syndrome Society (NDSS) says that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that 1 in 700 kids born each year have it.

The exact reason why so many people have this genetic problem is still unknown. As far as scientists know now, Down syndrome is not passed down through families. Almost all children with Down syndrome are born to parents who have the normal number of chromosomes. Only 1% of known cases have been passed down from one parent.

Statistics from the NDSS show that a woman who is 35 years old has a 1 in 350 chance of having a child with Down syndrome. This chance slowly increases with age, hitting 1 in 100 at age 40. By age 49, the chance is thought to be 1 in 10. Down Syndrome cases have been going up over the last few years, along with the number of couples choosing to have children later in life. This is because more and more easy tests can be done during early pregnancy.

Even though Down syndrome can't be "cured," it's also not an impossible problem to solve. Physical and mental development happens more slowly in children who are born with it than in healthy children. Also, every child and person with Down syndrome is unique. This means that there are a lot of different signs and stages of growth that can happen. Taking care of and teaching kids born with trisomy 21, which is another name for Down syndrome, usually takes more time, but it is possible and worth it. In the United States, 40% of kids with Down syndrome who go to high school finish it. A lot of them get stable jobs and live on their own, but most of them still need help with their money.

Tonya, Daniel's mom, was moved by what Kylie did. What Tonya said:

"It's not about the fact that Daniel is disabled. It was Kylie who didn't see any issue. As a mom, that's what you want...It means so much to me that someone took the time to take my son to homecoming.

Fox5 News Las Vegas wanted to show off Kylie's "proposal" after hearing the news. They thought that everyone could learn from Kylie's actions. Kylie and Daniel didn't know it, but Fox5 had something even bigger planned for them.

"Surprise Squad" on Fox5 is supported by United Nissan and America First Credit Union. Monica Jackson was the face of the charity project before she left Fox5 in 2018. The teens will have dinner at a fancy nearby restaurant before homecoming thanks to the Surprise Squad. Tonya broke down in tears as she talked about how often she walked by that place but knew she and her family could never afford to eat there. This is what the restaurant's cook said:

"This is home, and Daniel likes spaghetti with meatballs like his mama makes at home." What ever you guys want, just place your order."

Fox5 then sent a Rolls Royce to pick up Kylie and Daniel so they could get to the homecoming dance in style. Monica told the kids that their story has "touched so many people," which was true.

Even after Kylie and Daniel got to the party, they were still treated like stars. They danced with each other for a while before Monica Jackson and the Fox5 News team came back. She said there was still fun to be had! Jackson said that the kids and their families got two free trips to Disney Land thanks to Fox5. The station wanted to praise Kylie for her amazing act of kindness.

Both Kylie and Daniel are now well-known on their own. Fox5 put a video of the kids' amazing return moment on YouTube, and it has been going viral all over the internet. Kylie and Daniel's story should inspire others to act in a way that makes everyone feel like they can enjoy prom or a homecoming dance together, no matter how different they are. We will never forget this kind deed.
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