Happy birthday, Neil Diamond! 'Sweet Caroline' singer-songwriter turns 83(video)

The iconic singer Neil Diamond's birthday was celebrated once again in style by the cast of the Neil Diamond musical A Beautiful Noise.

On January 24, the singer's birthday fell on a Wednesday. After the show's matinee, the cast—which included Nick Fradiani, the winner of "American Idol," Mark Jacoby, a Tony Award candidate, and Amber Ardolino—led the audience in a performance of "Happy Birthday," complete with streamers and cake for the occasion.

"I wish I was there with you," Diamond said to the crowd as she watched the entire event on FaceTime. The ensemble then led the crowd in a thrilling performance of the Diamond classic "Sweet Caroline," while he remained on the line.

The Neil Diamond musical A Beautiful Noise is now on stage at the Broadhurst Theatre. Many of Diamond's greatest songs are included on it, such as "Cracklin' Rosie," "I'm a Believer," "Song Sung Blue," and "Sweet Caroline."
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