In early November 2021, a woman and her beautiful baby daughter shared an
intimate and special moment together, and they decided to share it online.
Christina Pax posted a short clip of herself speaking with her daughter on
TikTok on Nov. 1, 2021. Even though this might seem like a pretty routine
day for most parents, Pax’s daughter heard her voice for the first time on
this special day.
Her daughter Riley, who is deaf, finally heard Pax’s voice thanks to a
useful tool: hearing aids. The device allowed the little girl to hear
several new sounds, including her own mother’s voice. As the mother and
daughter sat together, it was an incredibly heartwarming and magical
experience. She posted the video for an important reason in addition to
reliving her own experience with her child.
After initially hesitating to share the video, Pax ultimately went along
with it to help raise awareness about what it’s like to raise a deaf child
and advocate for the deaf community. She also wanted to make it clear how
she felt about hearing aids.
Several people around the world have found the video and marveled at the
beautiful moment between the mother and daughter duo. The baby’s emotional
reaction has since tugged at the heartstrings of people from all over the
You can watch the full video at the end of this article 🙂
She is a mother who is learning American sign language and advocating for
deaf awareness, according to her TikTok bio. In a TikTok video posted on
Nov. 1, 2021, Pax shared a special moment with her deaf daughter Riley. As
well as posting the video, the mother posted a disclaimer about her
hesitation and what ultimately led her to do so.
Pax clarified:
I wondered whether to publish this video of my daughter who is deaf hearing
my voice for the first time. Hearing aids are not a "cure" all for hearing
loss. Deaf individuals don't need to be fixed. It is only a means of
accessing sound. But for us, this was a really memorable time.
The Mayo Clinic claims that various hearing aids operate in various ways,
with some assisting with hearing sounds and others assisting with reading
lips. Pax talked tenderly to her daughter, who at the time wore hearing
aids. The infant can be seen smiling, crying, and laughing throughout the
video, obviously moved by hearing her mother's voice.
Over a million people have seen the video since then, and there have been
many nice comments. She is "so in love" with the voice she has known her
entire life, according to reports. "Oh my my, this made me weep," another
person remarked. How priceless.
A third user on TikTok said: "OMG, look at how intently she's taking it all
in. She feels both joy and exhaustion. It's clear that many viewers of the
little video were equally affected and brought to tears as Pax and her
daughter were when they were filming it.
Two out of every 1000 children are born with hearing loss, according to
Healthy Hearing. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
claims that there are several causes for children to be born deaf.
Premature birth, low birth weight, birth traumas, herpes simplex and
rubella infections, maternal diabetes, and genetics are a few of them. At
this time, cochlear implants are the most successful and effective technique
to treat infant hearing loss.
Videos posted online demonstrate how powerful and heartbreaking hearing a
parent's voice for the first time can be for a youngster. Similar to Pax,
Paul Addison posted a video of his daughter's reaction to turning on her
hearing aid in the morning, and the video quickly gained popularity on
Twitter. Addison wanted the world to know how pleased he and his family feel
when their daughter's new hearing aids are switched on in the morning, so he
released the video on Twitter.
Georgina's profound deafness was discovered not long after she was born,
and the doctor recommended hearing aids. She was completely overjoyed when
she first heard her parents' voices. It was a comfort for Addison to observe
how rapidly they were performing well. Thousands of individuals shared their
own stories in response to his video.
He recommended other parents who were in a similar predicament to reach out
to people, especially nonprofit organizations that can offer answers. To
interact with others in that way is quite comforting, he remarked.