Teen Has No One To Bring To The Prom, The Cat Becomes His Perfect Date!(5 photos)

His adorable cat is lovingly gazing at him.

Our furry family members never fail to provide us with unconditional love and comfort.

To all the single individuals out there: find someone who sees you the way she sees him; that is genuine love.

The highlight of our school years was prom, but only for infatuated pairs. For individuals who are alone, having to choose who to invite to the prom is a nightmare!

Sam Steingard is in this predicament; he can only think of his cat if you want to invite someone you feel at ease with and would like to spend the night with!

He made the kind decision to take his cat with him to the prom!

Sam knew he wouldn't be at the prom for long, so he chose to bring Ruby, his cat, in place of a typical date. Joanne, Stengaird's mother, was also very supportive of the choice and bought Ruby a stunning dress and even a sparkling collar to finish off her attire.

And Ruby was unquestionably the focus of attention that day at the ball!

Sam has known Ruby for more than ten years; the two of them are genuinely best friends and inseparable. Ruby was discovered by the Steingard family as a little kitten outside of Ruby Tuesday restaurant.

One of the images was eventually put online by Sam's sister, and it soon gained popularity. The adorable duo is loved by everybody, and Ruby has admirers all over the world.

Ruby in the image seems to be grinning broadly as she turns to face Sam!

That among us had a prom date who gazed at them with the same intensity as his cat did in those photos? He sure took a beauty; she is stunning.

Consider the affection your date is transmitting to you through that gaze.
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