Love is blind to race, creed, and nationality. Ohioan Treka Engleman
frequently gets the question "Are your kids yours?" but doesn't let it
bother her or her kids' pleasure. Treka, a math teacher, said she started
becoming a foster mother at age 21 and had no preferences about the
children's ethnicity or gender. She then made the decision to formally adopt
the kids in 2019, giving them a loving home.
Treka Engleman didn't have a simple upbringing. She is the youngest of 11
children, and according to Metro, her mother died when she was just six
years old. The Engleman family experienced great sorrow with the passing of
their matriarch, but they always cared for one another and tried to make the
best of their unusual circumstances.
When Treka was older, she was certain that she would want to support kids
who had lost their parents. At the youthful age of 21, she applied to be a
foster mother because of this. Treka made the decision not to seek a kid of
any certain race in her application. As stated here in The Atlanta Black
Star, she simply wanted to be there for any young kid who needed her.
Elijah, a baby boy who was five days old, was immediately given into
Treka's custody, according to The Atlanta Black Star. Treka treated him like
he was her own child. Later, Treka's loving home was given to two sisters
called Mercedes and Alexis.
Treka felt nothing but mother affection for her three foster children since
the small family got along so well. However, a lot of people thought this
family was weird. Elijah, Mercedes, and Alexis are Caucasian, and Treka is
She stated on Love What Matters, "Yes I've had my fair share of glances
while we're out in public, but we just keep going past unconcerned." People
have asked me, "Oh, are you watching the kids?," to which I have replied,
"No, they are my children. There are no questions. I never refer to foster
children; just my own. Because it is who and what they have always
They are loved without condition in my home, and love has no hue," Treka
Treka was overjoyed to successfully adopt her three children last