This Strange Script Was Invented To Take Notes Easier, But To Many It's Unrecognizable

Taking notes is easy in the digital era thanks to technology. Meetings, discussions, and ideas can all be documented using traditional audio techniques or applications that assist in documenting. However, prior to these useful innovations, things weren't always simple. In the past, a writing style known as shorthand made it feasible to take notes in real time.

The Greek scholar Xenophon, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica, invented shorthand in the beginning. The writing method wasn't widely used to rapidly jot down notes as people spoke until the Roman Empire, though. Prior to nearly disappearing during the Middle Ages, the Latin shorthand method was in use for over a thousand years.

Shorthand experienced a brief resurgence in use during the Victorian era. Additionally, it was employed during the Reformation to speed up the notation of Bible versions. Modern shorthand eventually emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution's need for stenographers.

A contemporary form of shorthand was created by Sir Isaac Pitman in 1837, and his sibling introduced it to the United States in 1852. Although the Pitman style was popular in Britain, John Robert Gregg's style ultimately took its position there. It was first known as Light-Line Phonography (1888), and then it was named Gregg Shorthand.

Shorthand was created to condense letters into their most basic forms, which made it simpler to take notes and record information more quickly. lengthy hand, on the other hand, referred to the lengthy movements used to write words. It is simple to mistake shorthand for some ancient text because it bears little to no similarity to the term it depicts. Some people believe it mimics Arabic more than English because of the numerous dots and loops that abbreviate our standard way of writing vowels and consonants.

After learning Gregg's shorthand, individuals could record 280 lines with it. The act of taking notes is still done in the clerical, medical, and legal professions, so it is not entirely extinct.

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