Even though so many people regard penguins to be utterly charming, very few
of us would dare to keep them as pets under the correct conditions. But when
the chance occurred, one Japanese family didn't hesitate to keep one in
their house, making it perhaps one of the strangest pets ever seen. pintiks
In fact, it was so uncommon back then that reporters from all around the
world were attempting to contact the family and interview them. Real TV was
able to produce a little documentary on the concerned penguin, Lala, who
resides in a tiny Japanese community, in the 1990s.
Meet Lala, a kind King penguin that spent years residing with a Japanese
Lala was about 10 years old when the documentary was produced in 1996. Lala
the King penguin used to spend his days wandering the streets of his town
while residing in an air-conditioned room.
Lala continued returning to the market after the family took him there for
the first time. The family then decided to equip him with a little bag and
train Lala to purchase fish on his own.
It's obvious that seeing the penguin going about with his small bag must
have been quite a sight for the people!
You might be asking how the heck this family ever found Lala.
Evidently, a fishing net captured and wounded the unfortunate penguin. Lala
was adopted by the family, who cared for him as he recovered.
The decision was taken to retain the penguin and to ensure that he would
have a nice existence in circumstances that are unusual for penguins since
at that point the penguin had grown too connected to the family and didn't
want to leave them. Lala, regrettably, is no longer with us, but his memory
lives on.