Care Worker Inherits $60 Million Estate After DNA Test Confirms He's An Aristocrat's Son(video)

Most people, those of us with normal lives at least, have occasionally daydreamed about winning the lottery or inheriting the wealth of a distant relative. Such dreams do not, however, often come true.

In 2019, a young guy in Cornwall, England, actually went through what may have been one of the biggest turns of events in human history. The man struggled in his employment as a care worker before finding out he was the only heir to an inheritance worth $60 million.

According to Cornwall Live, care worker Jordan Adlard-Rogers, who was 31 years old at the time, had little experience living a luxurious lifestyle. He has always lived paycheck to paycheck, constantly worrying about his next round of expenses. However, Jordan had good cause to think that his father was the British aristocracy Charles Rogers. But he was unable to validate his hypothesis in the absence of DNA evidence or Rogers's admission.

August 2018 was when Jordan found that Charles had passed away. He was given permission to get a DNA test. He discovered that Charles was, in fact, his father, confirming his suspicions. When Jordan was given the keys to his father's 1,500-acre Penrose estate, he was unable to comprehend his good fortune. He also receives a weekly payment from the Rogers Family Trust Fund ranging from £300 to £1,000 ($404 to $1,348), according to Cornwall Live. Jordan claimed that adjusting to the fact that he was no longer had to work for a living was challenging.

In 2019, Jordan said to Cornwall Live, "I want to set up a charity and help the Porthleven and Helston communities because I don't need to work anymore."

"I had a difficult upbringing and have been at the point where I worry about the next bill, but now that I'm here, I want to assist people. I will never forget my origins," he continued.

Penrose Estate is said to be worth $60 million. The Rogers family has resided at the estate since originally acquiring it in 1771.

Jordan's father offered to do a DNA test, so it's possible that he thought he was Charles' son from an early age, according to Cornwall Live.

When I was eighteen, I walked on his house to ask if I could get a DNA test, and he told me to do it through the solicitors. Earlier, he had volunteered to perform a test, but it had not gone through. I had other priorities at the time since I was eighteen," Jordan told Cornwall Live.

"In my twenties, I continued to write letters, but I never received a response. Three years ago, I made contact with Philip Care, my power of attorney. Charles refused to take the test, Philip said, so he sent one last letter and attached a DNA test kit. After that, Philip called to inform him that Charles had passed away.

Jordan ultimately obtained the DNA test results confirming his relationship as Charles' son, despite some family members' reluctance.

Prior to his passing in August 2018 at the age of 62, Charles was the most recent lord of the estate. According to Cornwall Live, Rogers, who battled his addictions since he was a young adult, passed away from a heroin overdose.

Except for a brief time spent serving in the military and a job at a nearby farm, Charles did not work much, according to the journal.

"Charles had lost the ability to handle any difficult situation. Phillip Care, the guy who oversaw the estate before Charles passed away, stated, "He would not pay his bills and although we were there to help him manage his affairs, he just ignored anything and post was just burned."

Care called Charles "wayward" as well, noting that while always being "very pleasant and very well mannered," he was also "bit of a loner."

He lived a life of freedom. He went and wandered around for a while, spending some time in Rosudgeon Common. Care said in an interview with Cornwall reside that "it never happened because he couldn't be asked, basically." His parents then gave him a number of homes, one to reside in and one to rent out on vacation.

Jordan told Cornwall Live that while receiving the fortune undoubtedly changed his life, he would have preferred to have stopped his father's death.

"Some say I'm lucky, but I would do anything to go back in time and have Charles acknowledge that I am his son. Jordan remarked, "Maybe then he would have chosen a different route."

According to the Daily Mail, Jordan had intended to move into the mansion in May 2019 with his wife, Katie, and their 5-week-old kid, Joshua.

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