There are some very stunning birds in the world. They have bizarre hues,
which leaves us, as humans, uncertain as to whether they are genuine or
Among these is the stunning Grandala Coelicolor. A rich, deep, and
mesmerizing blue coat is preferred. Anyone who spots them will undoubtedly
be drawn in by this hue of blue.
Coelicolors are actually entirely blue, with the exception of their beak,
eyes, and legs. Dark blue and black together in such a stunning way is
something I never would have imagined. These stunning creatures are
powerfully evidenced by their plumage, and I can't help but fall in love
with them.
The female birds are dark with white streaks across the head and breast, as
well as white bars on each wing, in contrast to the males who have all the
traits mentioned above.
Grandala coelicolors inhabit the mid- to low-altitude regions of the Indian
They live in the Himalayas, which are found in Bhutan, India, Nepal, Tibet,
and portions of China.
Insects are the primary food source for coelicolors, who prefer to catch
them in flight than hunting them on the ground. They also consume berries
and fruits.
The nest is constructed on a ledge by these birds during the breeding
season, which runs from May through July. It's interesting how this nest
resembles a cup.
Share the post with relatives and friends if you adore this magnificent
bird. A wonderful time!