Teacher Develops Band-Aid Method To Teach Kids The Importance Of Equity Over Equality

Children acquire their own opinions on justice and fairness throughout elementary school, especially in the classroom. Even if the kid has diabetes and need the snack to keep healthy, another student having an additional snack may appear unjust to a young youngster. A fantastic teacher taught the third-graders the importance of fairness or equity above equality.

Aimee is a primary school teacher who also blogs on TikTok about her experiences. She offers advice and suggestions for other teachers and parents to help their pupils achieve. Aimee taught a lesson about justice using band-aids in August 2021.

In the video, she is seen inquiring about their experience with elbow scrapes with her kids. They all raised their hands, as you might expect, she said. I obtain a bandage, choose a student to describe how their elbow was injured, and then apply the bandage.

She then inquired as to whether they had ever bumped heads, to which several kids said positively. When Aimee again handed the pupils a band-aid, they were perplexed. A head bump won't be helped by bandages,

Why was this the suggested remedy?

Students understood that fairness meant providing everyone with the support they need to succeed rather than ensuring that everyone gets the same kind of assistance. She now cites the band-aid lesson to her students whenever they inquire as to why one youngster received further assistance while others did not. Continue reading to learn more about this amazing tale.

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Aimee explained the lesson in her video. Fairness is about receiving what everyone needs to achieve, not about getting what everyone gets, as Aimee clarified in another video that came after the band-aid lecture. She picked the word fairness because children often use the phrase "not fair" to describe something they don't completely grasp.

The significance of this lesson for kids is also thoroughly explored in the companion film. Headphones, fidget spinners, and additional snacks are just a few of the things mentioned in the movie that are useful for some people but distracting for others. Students must thus comprehend the distinction between equity and equality.

Aimee's band-aid video has received over 8,000 comments. Most respondents expressed a desire to share the lesson with people other than elementary school kids since they had fun with it. Teach the grownups immediately, one commentator said.

This is really clearly stated, a different commenter said. "This next generation of teachers will absolutely revolutionize the world," another individual proclaimed with hope.

People praised Aimee for highlighting crucial ideas in her lessons, such justice and fairness.

The thought that they wished they had a teacher like her when they were younger was expressed by her students. We really hope that many educators will follow her example and that the future will bring forth even more amazing teachings.

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