16-year-old rescues 3 girls trapped in car and officer from drowning

A Mississippi boy who acted quickly to save four people from drowning, including a police officer, is being hailed as a hero.

Corion Evans, 16, was there when a car near Moss Point, Mississippi, drove directly into the Pascagoula River, according to Good Morning America. The automobile started to float approximately 20 feet from the coast before it swiftly began to sink, trapping its three occupants, all young females.

The driver of that car said she was following her GPS and was unaware that she was driving into the water, according to a statement issued by the Moss Point Police Department.

Corion, fortunately, was there to see the entire event. As the automobile started to sink, he allegedly took off his shoes and clothes before diving in.

I can't allow any of these people die, the courageous adolescent, a Pascagoula High School student, told WLOX. They must leave the water.

I recently started receiving them, so. I had nothing else on my mind at all.

According to reports, one of Corion's pals also dove into the river to assist the girls in climbing onto the top of the sinking car.

"I simply began getting them," Corion continued. I had nothing else on my mind at all.

Officer Gary Mercer of the Moss Point Police Department was the first on the scene, but when he was carrying one of the females to shore, she "began panicking and forced him to dip under and drink some water," and he ultimately found himself in trouble.

Fortunately, Corion saw Officer Mercer and was able to save both of them.

"I circled back. The policeman is visible to me. He's sinking. He is drowning and saying, "Help!" as he goes under. In Corion's memory.

"I went over there, then. As soon as I felt like I could walk, I went and grabbed the policeman and swam him back.

Officer Mercer, the three adolescent females, and themselves were taken to the hospital. All are anticipated to recover completely.

"The police department and I admire Mr. Evans's bravery and selflessness he demonstrated by risking his own safety to save those in peril," Moss Point Chief Brandon Ashley said in a statement.

If Mr. Evans had not helped, "it may have ended tragically rather than with all passengers safely evacuated."

Moss City officials gave Corion a certificate of recognition for his bravery on Tuesday.

Marquita Evans, the 16-year-proud old's mother, told WLOX: "I'm grateful he didn't get hurt when he was attempting to save other people's lives.

"I was very impressed with Corion since he wasn't only considering himself. He made a sincere effort to save everyone from the sea.

Since he was three years old, Corion said, he has been swimming.

Twenty-five yards out, so swimming was required. After, my legs were so exhausted," he claimed. But anything may have been in the water. However, I wasn't considering it.
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