Dying puppy is nursed back to life with the help of some loving chimpanzees

Jenny and Jim Desmond, who manage the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue in West Africa, are experts when it comes to saving animals.

One day while Jenny was driving through the streets of a little Liberian hamlet, she came upon a small animal that was in desperate need of assistance.

Snafu, the puppy she was driving back to the sanctuary, was given the necessary medical care by Jenny and her husband.

Snafu, however, was in horrible form; in addition to hunger, she also had illnesses and worms, so they kept a tight eye on her, unsure of whether she would survive.

The pair thought Snafu was ready to be introduced to the other sanctuary inhabitants after noticing her eyes were getting brighter and her skin was beginning to look better after a few days.

They had no idea how well-liked she would be by the other inhabitants.

The chimps fell in love with Snafu right away and never stopped loving her, helping her, and being ready to play with her.

The chimps watched over Snafu as she grew bigger and stronger, but they were unable to hold this adorable pup as they had in the past.

Jenny located Snafu a forever home in Colorado with her nieces once she had fully healed.

It's all because to a sanctuary that loves and some loving chimpanzees that she is now in a loving family with two sisters and a mom and dad who adore her.

The video below shows Snafu's amazing adventure and the people she meets along the way.

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