Man Gets A BBQ & Certificate After 42 Years Of Minimum Wage Work Until Co-Worker Takes Action(video)

Narratives of unwavering devotion at work often take a backseat to more unrelenting life events. But when Sonia, a hardworking employee from California, told the story of her coworker, John Bartlett, it moved a lot of people.

Now over seventy, Bartlett worked for an unnamed firm for forty-two years, receiving a meager minimum pay. In September 2023, his retirement—which consisted just of a BBQ and a certificate—came to an abrupt end, however, after years of steadfast commitment.

His departure from the firm made the rounds on TikTok, where Sonia posted about her senior colleague's simple farewell. The original video was removed from TikTok, but Censored Men posted it again on October 2, 2023, to X, a social media network that was once known as Twitter. There were almost 4.6 million views on the re-upload.

Sonia expressed in the film her feelings about a noteworthy chapter in her coworker's life coming to an end and the subtle but major effects of his workaholic drive. Her description of Bartlett's everyday activities, including his regular train and bus ride, was quite realistic.

The coworker emphasized how deeply Bartlett loved his profession and never considered retiring to be an appealing option. But Sonia was not happy about the company's meager acknowledgment, which came with no incentive.

Online viewers were similarly moved by the film and voiced worries about Bartlett's financial security after retirement on social media networks. Sonia and the other employees saw Bartlett at work and decided to make sure he got the credit he deserved. On September 30, 2023, they launched his GoFundMe.

Over 140 people have contributed to the Bartlett fundraising effort, which has now surpassed $86,000. Sonia stated that they chose to end the gift early since they had reached their $28,000 target. She has been contacted by others, though, as they are still eager to assist the retiree.

"We had turned donations off after meeting the goal, but have since received messages that more people want to have a chance to donate," Sonia said in a post. "We've turned donations back on, and any new donations will continue to support John's medical expenses and his retirement."

On October 1, 2023, Sonia added to her TikTok post by stating that Bartlett had in fact gotten a "little bonus" from the company—a fact that had been kept under wraps.

"With this information, it's up to you folks on how you want to spend your money and gifts to John," stated Sonia. "I will still inform him about everything and ask what would be something to keep occupied during his retirement."

Sonia updated Bartlett on the status of the campaign in a new video that she uploaded on October 5, 2023. Donations were coming in from as far away as Europe and Australia. She gave the retiree access to the GoFundMe account as well.

Videos of him getting his account may be found on my page as well as worldwide news. Upon receiving inquiries over Bartlett's response, Sonia stated in the comments section that "at this point he gets everything directly to his bank."

Sonia discussed what initially inspired her to create the Bartlett video in an interview with Newsweek.

"My only goal in making the film was to honor my diligent colleague on his retirement. This was his reality, and I found it incredible that he devoted so much time and energy to the work he was passionate about."

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