‘Miracle’ Baby Rescued Following A Devastating Earthquake Gets Reunited With His Mother After 54 Days(video)

A mother must have an immediate emotional and physical relationship with her newborn kid in order for them to interact both physically and emotionally. It isn't always feasible, though, since there are instances where they are separated due to circumstances beyond their control.

This is what occurred to a baby named Vetin Begdaş, but happily, after a protracted separation, he was able to reconcile with his mother.

Derya Yanık, a member of the Turkish National Assembly, posted a video of herself snuggling with a newborn on a plane on social media in April 2023.

"Yes, you will meet your mother soon," she stated to the infant Vetin in the opening seconds of the video, translating her words from Turkish to English.

It was discovered that the infant had been away from his mother for more than fifty-four days.

According to Derya, who appeared in the video interview, the baby is "really a miracle" since he managed to survive for 128 hours and go five days without food, drink, or milk.

According to The Daily Mirror, the infant was saved from Hatay province in February 2023 after a terrible earthquake struck Syria and Turkey.

The nurses gave him the name Baby Gizem, which means Mystery, when he was saved. Luckily, despite his extended absence, he didn't experience any health issues.

After the tragedy, he was unharmed, but his father and two brothers supposedly died.

A DNA test was the only thing that allowed the adorable infant boy and his mother to be reunited.

Derya thought it was a very touching moment for them and all the rescue workers involved when she saw the mother, who had been declared dead during the earthquake, snuggling with the small child on camera after they had been apart for a long time.

For us, it was a very lovely and emotional time. Reuniting a mother with her kid is perhaps one of the most valuable things in the world, she remarked, witnessing their delight.

Derya gave the mother and son the assurance that they will always have their assistance as a representative of the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Services.

"We will continue to support Gizem's education, health needs, and other needs if and when his mother needs it," she continued.

Derya just wanted the kid and his mother to have a "long and happy life," as the child had already been reunited with her.

"May they never have to part from one another once more. And may there be beauty, kindness, wealth, and happiness for all of our children in our nation and over the world," she uttered.

Online viewers were moved by the narrative, as seen by their supportive remarks on the minister's social media profile video.

"A touching tale. Mother and child were reunited. A person wrote, "😀💞💛🩵💜💛💚."

Another said, "This is a beautiful, amazing story that made me cry with joy."

One said, "Thanks for sharing, everyone is crying with joy."

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