Fast-Food Worker Walks 1 Mile To Job Each Day So Customers Show ‘Appreciation’ By Buying Her A Car(video)

In October 2021, the residents of Tappahannock, Virginia, demonstrated the epitome of what it means to be a genuine, compassionate person when they banded together to assist a local resident. Many of them were regular customers of a nearby fast-food restaurant, where they were accustomed to seeing one of the senior employees virtually daily. The person who worked at the drive-through, Lisa Bateman, was always cheerful and eager to greet each and every one of her patrons.

The fact that Bateman always recalled her clients' orders made her an amazing experience, and the neighborhood loved and valued her for it. Even from the sounds of their voices over the drive-through intercom, she could tell who they were.

Two regular patrons of the fast-food establishment, Jason Cunningham and Jaki Vazquez, had become accustomed to seeing Bateman and had always appreciated her companionship, even if it was just for a short while. They decided they wanted to do something special to show the 60-year-old woman how much they cared for her when they learned that she walked one mile each way to work every day down Tappahannock Boulevard.

The neighborhood created a GoFundMe page for Bateman in the hopes of raising enough money to support her and ensure that she would never again have to go to work in unpredictable weather. The senior employee burst into tears when she realized how surprised she was. Continue reading to learn more about this touching tale.

Patrons of the Tappahannock Burger King were accustomed to seeing Bateman in the drive-through, always with a smile on her face. Cunningham told WTVR, "You go through the drive-thru at any given time and she's just as sweet."

WTVR reports that Bateman has been employed by the fast-food chain since 1987 and that she enjoys her profession. But for seven years, she had to travel a mile to go to work. After losing her second job, Bateman lost her car, yet she never let go of her upbeat outlook.

Cunningham remarked, "I thought it would be nice to do something like this for someone in our community because I see her walking all the time."

A GoFundMe page was created by the community in Bateman's honor, and slightly over $4,200 was donated. Fifty-five individuals gave in less than two weeks, according to WTVR. Bateman used the money to purchase a new automobile, and the neighborhood made sure to give her any spare change to assist cover the cost of the vehicle's insurance.

One day in October 2021, they bought a maroon 2007 Buick with minimal mileage and surprised Bateman with it after her shift.

As Vazquez gave Bateman the keys to her new automobile, she said, "We as a town of Tappahannock wanted to show you a little bit of appreciation for your hard work, for always giving us positive energy."

Suddenly overcome with passion, Bateman said, "Oh my God! I really appreciate it. There was a tender exchange between the employee and her devoted clients. Vazquez stated, "We were able to gather all this money between a small community in less than two weeks." It just conveys how much she is valued.

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